Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers


PT4P Testing Center


This is just a quick exercise to see how PT4P templates are laid out and if they will work with your version of Photoshop.

Unfortunately, I do not have time to coach you through this test, so please do not e-mail me questions about this tutorial.

If you can't get it to work, then you will likely have a big learning curve with PT4P templates.


1. First, see if you can right-click and save this zipped file.


2. Once it has downloaded, see if you can unZIP the folder by right-clicking and selecting "extract all"


3. Open the .psd "PT4Ptestfile"


4. Follow the directions in the folders and layers and see if you're able to manipulate the layers/text.


5. See if you can take another image and paste it INTO the circle in the test file:

1. Open another image.

2. Select the image with your marquee tool and hit "COPY."

3. Go to back to the test file and click on the circle layer.

4. Choose the "magic wand tool" - looks similar to the tool circled below:



5. Click on the circle shape with the magic wand tool.  A moving dotted line should appear around the edges.

6. Now go to "EDIT > PASTE INTO" and your image should appear inside the circle (not PASTE, you must use PASTE INTO).

7. You can then use the transform tools to resize the image as needed.


Instructions are more detailed with your paid membership, but if you can do most of these things, you'll be able to master the PT4P templates soon.